Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Speaker's Corner

Every Sunday, all day Sunday, you can find a crowd at a corner in London’s Hyde Park. Speaker's Corner is a place full of history where the likes of Karl Marx, George Orwell, & Vladimir Lenin came to both listen and speak their views. This corner is a place where men (seldom women) come to speak their minds and lavish the crowd's ears with persuasive arguments about the man’s religion, political view, and/or nonsensical tales. However, most men come out to debate against Jesus Christ. Why? Because most men who currently come to Speaker's Corner practice Islam.

Now I have zero speaking cred, but Speaker's Corner is no doubt one of the toughest places to speak about Christ (not including countries that persecute Christian men and women). The main reason that Speaker’s Corner is so difficult to profess Christ and speak His Truth is because the Muslims out number everyone by about 200-250 people. That fact alone would be difficult, but these guys know their stuff. Well, at first it seems so, but what most men do to discredit the Bible and Jesus Christ is misinterpret, and cherry-pick verses. So this can be a massacre (and has been for me a few times) to a Christian who doesn’t know why they believe in Jesus Christ, or how to communicate it.

The beauty of Speaker's Corner is that it makes me think. There have been countless times that the Holy Spirit has spoken through me while being there, but there have also been those times where I've been stumped. It's those times of ignorance that the Lord speaks the loudest to me. He speaks every Monday morning, or fairly often all day Monday, as I search through Scripture to find the answers to questions that a Muslim or I think of while debating. The Lord has led me to the answer and unfolded my questioning every time -- absolutely every time -- my knowledge has failed. That's how awesome God is. He wants us to search Him and ask when we have questions -- He always holds up to my pondering and leads me multiple steps forward into His goodness.

I want to share with you what the Lord has led me to. Maybe you'll find it helpful. My prayer is that the Holy Spirit will empower you through the Truth He leads me to, so if you are placed in the same situation(s) you can accurately represent the Truth of Jesus Christ. I will be posting a series of questions/answers that have been thrown my way and that God has shown Himself through.

Please pray that Speaker's Corner be transformed to a place where Jesus Christ is worshiped and where God receives Glory.

to be continued...

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