Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Me: Inside Out

There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. For the law of the Spirit of life has set you free in Christ Jesus from the law of sin and death. For God has done what the law, weakened by the flesh, could not do. By sending His own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh and for sin, he condemned sin in the flesh, in order that the righteous requirement of the law might be fulfilled in us, who walk not according to the flesh but according to the Spirit. For those who live according to the flesh set their minds on the things of the flesh, but those who live according to the Spirit, set their minds on the things of the Spirit. For to set the mind of the flesh is death, but to set the mind on the Spirit is life and peace. For the mind that is set on the flesh is hostile to God, for it does not submit to God’s law; indeed, it cannot. Those who are in the flesh cannot please God.
Romans 8:1-8

These are comforting verses for me. They are especially comforting during this season of life. More particularly, the Holy Spirit brings me peace through these 8 verses as I write and as I confess. As I confess sin, but more then that, as I confess that Jesus is my Lord and Savior delivering me.

The Lord has been leading me through a time of brokenness and humility. In this season, God has been showing me and convicting me of much. He’s been revealing to me my religiosity and my striving to seem perfect on the outside. How I’m not transparent with sin. Sin that I’ve repented of and deeds I have been forgiven. Sin that Jesus Christ died for and washed me clean of, but I’m too interested in my image to allow the work of Christ to be seen in me.

To be completely upfront, that sin is lust, pornography, and getting as close to the line of sex as possible without crossing it. Lust was my idol – along with pride, my athletic ability, and anything else temporal that I could worship. From a young age, my folly has been sexual desire. A spiral of sin that takes control of most men, me being no different, though just a boy when I chose to give it control. The pornography started upon entering college while I was in full-fledged rebellion from Jesus Christ. I began my rebellion from the Church and a relationship with Christ because the lure of sexual sin grabbed my attention, and I consciously chose it, though the Holy Spirit within me convicted against my actions. Sadly, I ignored Him and gave into my flesh; in fact, chose it over Jesus. However, on the outside I tried to act like I had it all together – played the Christian part and played it half-heartedly, but years of habitual sexual sin kept me of all Christ reflecting fruit. But my Savior didn’t give up, the faint voice of the Holy Spirit, always spoke, but I frequently ignored Him.

That was the case until about two years ago when the Lord grabbed me, shook me, and welcomed me back like the prodigal son I was. Though the pornography didn’t immediately cease, it did begin to fade through the power of Jesus Christ and my wanting to adhere to His Spirit. The Lord began to unfold Scripture to me and to make me anew. His voice in my life began to speak at a louder volume and more frequently. He was no longer faint, no long ignored, but treasured and worshiped for whom He is. My desire transformed from self to God, which is done only by the power and council of the Holy Spirit through Christ Jesus. Life-change took place through the forgiveness and power of the blood of Christ accessible through repentance of sin. Jesus’ death on the Cross for my sin -- a death I deserve, a punishment fit to my lust, the Savior hung on my behalf -- is what freed me, forgave me, and made me right with God. His constant pursuit of me and unconditional love is what rocked me at my soul. He called me back, welcomed me with open arms, never letting me go too far, and allowed me to receive His gift of forgiveness. He took me from a life headed down a path that could have resembled Tiger Woods’ and freed me of my chains that I placed upon myself. I was able to follow Christ only because He prompted me and paid my ransom by dying my death on the Cross, which allows my sins to be repented of.

Truly, I have nothing but the Cross to boast in, where complete forgiveness and freedom are found in the Son of God, Jesus Christ.

My confession here is done because the Lord has called me to carry my cross, as He did, and confessing sin is a part of that command. Plus, the Holy Spirit has instructed me to confess in this manner. Not so that pity or praise is thrown my way, but that you may see the work of Christ in my life, in my heart, soul, and mind. I write this that you may see Christ in my weakness, relying on His strength, grace, and redemption in your own lives. I say this because by God’s beautiful grace I am able to have a deeper relationship with Christ, free of the weight of sin, righteous in the sight of Him through repentance. I truly am amazed and thankful for the Gospel of Jesus for grabbing me, turning me around, and saving me from myself; from my fleshly desires that drove me from Him; God who is love.

I’m thankful to stand under the grace, love, & forgiveness that is Jesus Christ, the Savior of history. Striving to serve, worship, and love Him alone. I’m a work in progress, free from porn and sexual sin, with the Holy Spirit living in me. I’m thankful for my Savior who became the embodiment of the lust and sexual sin that riddled my flesh – to Him be all Glory and worship.

Some help:

My prayer: Psalm 86:1-13

Incline your ear, O Lord, and
answer me,
for I am poor and needy.
Preserve my life, for I am godly;
save your servant, who trusts in
you—you are my God.
Be gracious to me, O Lord,
For to you do I cry all the day.
Gladden the soul of your servant,
For to you, O Lord do I lift up my soul.
for you, O Lord, are good and forgiving,
abounding in steadfast love to all who
call upon you.
Give ear, O Lord, to my prayer;
listen to my plea for grace.
In the day of my trouble I call upon you,
for you answer me.

There is none like you amoung the gods,
O Lord,
nor are there any works like yours.
All the nations you have made shall come
and worship before you, O Lord,
and shall glorify your name.
For you are great and do wondrous
you alone are God.
Teach me your way, O Lord,
that I may walk in your truth;
unite my heart to fear your name.
I give thanks to you, O Lord my God,
with my whole heart,
and I will glorify your name forever.
For great is your steadfast love
toward me;
you have delivered my soul from the
depths of Sheol.”

Monday, December 7, 2009

Christmas Decorations

I saw this picture today and it made me laugh really hard.

Hope everyone is enjoying the Christmas season so far.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

"Perfect" Christians Stop Frontin.

"...a Christian is not a man (person) who never goes wrong, but a man who is enabled to repent and pick himself up and begin over again after each stumble--because the Christ-life (Holy Spirit) is inside him, repairing him all the time, enabling him to repeat (in some degree) the kind of voluntary death which Christ Himself carried out."
- Clive (C.S. Lewis), Mere Christianity

This passage from Mere Christianity got me thinking and then repenting.


Because to many of us -- Christians -- have bought into the lie that we have to be perfect. We have to seem "all put together." That since Christ redeemed our souls we are perfect, without sin, and thus we have to give off the fake perception that everything is peachy in life. (Don't take this wrong: we are redeemed, but after salvation we are still sinners, so lets not sweep that fact under the rug. cool?)

Upon receiving Christ as Lord and Savior we aren't handed a card reading, "you are now perfect so go and tell all about your perfection, acting like you don't need Jesus any more." In fact, its the opposite. We're handed an eternity with Christ, under His grace, love and forgiveness. We are handed the gift of repentance of sin; a gift healing us of our sin.

As Christians we aren't called to have all the answers. We aren't called to put on perfection or the persona that all is good all the time. We are sinners just like the rest of the world, but our huge difference is Jesus Christ in us. Instead of acting like we don't sin, lets confess it, repent of it, and allow Jesus to do what He did upon our salvation -- wipe us clean.

Let's change the Christianese attitude of today. One that we have to clean ourselves up before we go into Church. One where we have to make ourselves right before we cry out to the Lord. One where we can do no wrong because we have Jesus. Let's stop acting like we can do anything to "clean" ourselves up, or even, that we don't need to be cleaned at all.

Instead, lets be the people that Jesus has made us to be. People constantly pointing to His redemption and love poured out upon the Cross for all sinners; Christian & all. A people quick to repent, quick to confess, and quick to cry out to the Lord -- cry out in happiness, sorrow, joy, defeat, confusion, & pain. Let's be a people who allow Jesus to work in us, showing those who don't know Him that we are nothing but a sinful generation being cleaned, pruned, and sanctified by the good work of Jesus Christ. All by His grace & nothing of ourselves.

Can we stop faking it? All faking it does is turn the sinners without Christ away. It's not a representation of Jesus at all. In fact, its robbing Him of Glory and people their Savior.

Can we just be raw, be real, and have Jesus use our transparency to receive more Glory for Himself, redeeming sinners through the healing He does in us?

Can we be the people He's called us to be? People who make less of themselves and more of Jesus. Meaning: People who aren't afraid to express their imperfection and point to Christ as their own sin is redeemed through repentance.

Just a thought that the Lord rocked me with these past few weeks. Let's be real. Let's allow Christ's work in us to be seen.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Thankful For His Steadfast Love

My prayer today, a day of Thanks:

Make a joyful noise to the Lord, all the earth!
Serve the Lord with gladness!
Come into His presence with singing!
Know that the Lord, He is God!
It is He who made us, and we are His;
we are His people, and the sheep of
His pasture.

Enter His gates with thanksgiving,
and His courts with praise!
Give thanks to him; bless His name!

For the Lord is good;
His steadfast love endures forever,
and faithfulness to all generations.
Psalm 100

Lord, please help me to hold on to this truth.
To cling to you, forever.

Jesus, Thank you for offering yourself -- the greatest act of love -- for me, so that I can know and live in you.

Thank you for the freedom your love provides & the joy that overflows.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009


"And He said to all, 'If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me.'" Luke 9:23

For me, taking up my cross and following Jesus has led me to London, England; a journey unlike any other. It's taken faith in things unseen with trust in the God who sent me, and who came before me. Both faith and trust coming from Jesus Himself. Coming over to London with a one-way ticket and a bag wasn't an easy venture. Coming to a land that rejects the Gospel of Jesus Christ -- while my sole purpose of being here is to speak His truth with grace & love -- isn't easy either. But, (and that's big but) the Lord has shown me how sweet it is to walk with Him when I depend upon Him for everything. I have never experienced the Lord like I have since being in London. He has revealed and unfolded Himself more and more everyday, and I love it.

But honestly, I haven't a clue what I'm doing. I can't save a city or persuade them to become followers of Christ. Only the Lord can and does that. What do I do then? I beg the Lord to act, to soften the hearts of the city, to bring repentance and revival to her streets, and to fill the same streets with people worshiping the One True God again. I don't have a routine. I just go and move as the Holy Spirit leads on a daily basis. I literally don't know what I'm doing tomorrow, let alone when I'm coming back to the states. All I do is go where the Lord leads and daily take up the cross He's strengthening me to carry.

At the moment, and the foreseeable future, I am living in a hostel on the edge of Soho. Why Soho? Basic answer: the Lord told me to live here. It's an area in the center of London that has every sinful desire one could dream of. A dark place where the people are far from the Lord, but He's placed hope inside my heart that He's going to redeem here. At the moment, every Sunday afternoon I go and speak the Truth of the Gospel at Speaker's Corner; another place the Lord has called me to act. The Lord has led me to Reality London where I help in anyway I can. My weeks fill up though I can't tell you how I'm going to spend them before hand. What I do isn't a job. Its life. By the grace of God I get to talk to people about the Lord and learn more about Him; a focus on Heaven, and not on earth.

Where is this going? Right here: the great commission, where Jesus instructs His followers to go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that He has commanded us. Simply, Jesus tells us all to make disciples through Him. But there are those who He commands to "go" and those people He instructs to send. Jesus has clearly called me to go -- to come to London and make disciples through His powerful name.

Will you prayerfully ask the Lord if you are to send me?

What does sending me look like (Send-a-Seth): Prayer is absolutely huge -- Not just for me, but for the city, for Reality London, and for protection. Join the prayer email that I send out, so that you can lift up London in detail. Encouragement -- Send a brother some encouragement. I'm human and the enemy is real, so encouragement is cool. Real talk, I miss you guys. Accountability -- Keep me accountable to what the Lord has called me to do here. (Preaching & teaching the Gospel, loving the homeless, helping Reality London, being a light in Soho) Financially -- I'm an American in England who doesn't have an income, but needs to eat and have shelter (preferably). Honestly, I give more money away buying food for the homeless and addicts, then I myself consume. Its an easy way to express the love Christ and I get to know them over food or coffee. And, I honestly have the weight of college loans needing to be paid, but the Lord knew this before He sent me to London. I have no doubt that He's faithful. Workers -- Whether its for a week or 8 months, the harvest in London is plentiful but the workers are few (Matt. 9:35-38). I would love to have some folks come alongside me to serve the Lord & the people of London. In fact, I'd love for you to pray and ask God if He wants you to come over and serve here. If honest, this is the area of most need. For people who love Jesus Christ and love telling others about Him, to come to London and do just that.

Please, don't feel like you have to support me in any way. Don't do it out of obligation or guilt, because that motivation is all wrong. Please pray and ask the Lord if He would like you to support me, to support what He's doing in London. And then ask Him in what way to serve. Pray and then take whatever action He leads you to take.

"Now the full number of those who believed were of one heart and soul, and no one said that any of the things that belonged to him was his own, but they had everything in common. And with great power the apostles were giving their testimony to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus, and great grace was upon them all. There was not a needy person among them, for as many as were owners of lands or houses sold them and brought the proceeds of what was sold and laid it at the apostles' feet, and it was distributed to each as any had need." Acts 4:32-34

One heart and one soul -- that's the Body of Christ.

Sunday, November 22, 2009


Two Sundays ago, the Lord moved in a miraculous and amazing way. I tell you a little of the story here.

Redemption is a beautiful aspect to life--as well as the most important--and I pray we all experience this through Jesus Christ.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

A Week & 1/2 ago

A week and 1/2 ago, Wednesday, November 11th marked my two month stay in LondonTown. I celebrated in a unique way. Let me unfold it for you.

The Lord has provided for me financially for the past few months and He's done it in absolutely astonishing ways. Someone would email me or get in contact with me, telling me that the Lord told them to send me some cash. This happened every time my funds grew low. And without me ever mentioning it to anyone. I would simply pray for my needs to be met.


Wednesday morning I woke up with my reservations at the hostel expiring and £15 to my name. I prayed like crazy. Yeah you know the kind, the selfish prayer. I was hoping and pleading for God to provide me money so that I could stay in my comfortable, well acquainted room that I shared with 7 other dudes. I prayed a selfish and comfortable prayer even though the Lord had already spoken that I'd be leaving the hostel that morning. (The Lord spoke clearly two days before that I was at that hostel for the sole purpose of meeting Blake, who you'll learn more about tomorrow). I was fleshing out like crazy (Translation: sinning).

I had a unique feeling. I was confident the Lord would provide, but I wanted Him to provide in a certain way. A way that would keep me where I was. Well, I packed my things into my backpack and headed up to a cafe to read/pray/see what the Lord had in store for the day. The more the day went by, the more I felt peaceful and calm about being homeless. I've gotten to know the homeless people in the area, so I had the lowdown on where I could sleep and stay dry. But, the Holy Spirit gave me a peace that went past the thoughts of being homeless. The day past quickly and by 7pm I walked to our Prayer Meeting that we have here at Reality London ( on Wednesday nights. (yes, that was an unashamed plug...) Everyone looked at me all crazy like because I had all my stuff with me, including a pillowcase over my shoulder... I told them my situation and Christian, a Londoner who attends Reality, offered me to stay with him for as long as I needed. As long as I didn't mind living about 20 minutes outside the center of London. Of course, I went home with Christian that night.

I traveled back to his flat where I have been sleeping in a room by myself, with my own bathroom, and relaxing. Thanks to Christians generosity, I have been able to eat for free and eat well. I've had duck, ribs, chicken, and full out breakfasts... food I wasn't able to afford before. I've been able to recharge and relax for a week -- where I feel rested and ready to get back on the streets.

My point? To express how God moves and works. I fought leaving my comfortable and familiar hostel, not because I loved it (well I did in a weird way), but because I knew it; familiar. I was fearful of what was next. Fearful that what was next could be the streets, homeless, and cold. But God had better in store for me. Actually, I haven't stayed in a bed or room or apartment or ate food this nice in about 4 months. But to get to it, the Lord had to remove me from what I knew and what felt comfortable to me. He was leading me to the best but I was settling for comfortable and familiarity. To put it bluntly, I didn't trust Him.

My question is, where is God leading you, but you're dragging your feet in refusal? Some advice -- just go. Take the leap. Jesus will provide for you. His provision might not be the way you want or the way you think it should be done, but it's always the best way. Do what we're called to do, and follow Jesus. What will happen if you don't? I don't know, but I do you know you'll be robbing God of Glory He deserves, robbing someone else a chance to show generosity, and robbing yourself the chance to express Jesus' love to others (which leads back to robbing Him of Glory...).

He's faithful and He'll lead you. It's how He rolls.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

A little bit about Soho

Tonight, at 6:30p (1:30p EST) Reality London will be doing a prayer tour of a square mile area in London called Soho. Soho is London's red-light district, meaning an area overgrown with prostitution, sex shops, strip clubs, homosexuality, and drugs. The Lord has placed this area of town on my heart and brought me here a few times to see what goes down at night -- it resembles Sodom & Gomorrah all too well.

So, I've been doing the only thing that I could do for Soho and that's prayer. I want to invite you to join us in prayer for this sin riddled part of town and for Jesus Christ to be Glorified here, redeeming and healing those He draws close.

Here's some history of Soho:
  • Farmland until 1536 when Henry the VIII turned the land into a royal park.
  • The name Soho, a former hunting cry of the Anglo-French people, came about in 1636 being used to describe a group of houses in the area. It is also said to be used as a rally cry by the Duke of Monmouth in the Battle of Sedgemoor.
  • In 1667 the Crown allowed Richard Frith to begin development of the area.
  • Soho was (and is) known for its tolerance and cheap living so many immigrants made it their home causing most aristocrats to peace out. The French, Germans, Italians, Russians, Polish, Jews, Swiss, Greeks, and the Chinese all have immigrated to Soho over the years.
  • Prostitution became vibrant in Soho in the mid to late 17th C, running rampant for 200 years.
  • By the mid 1800s music halls and small theatres moved into the Square mile.
  • Early 1900s cheaper eateries opened by the multiple nationalities came about attracting writers, musicians, and artists to the area.
  • 1959 the Street Offenses Act came into play pushing the prostitution in doors where stores and night clubs would run as fronts for the services. By the '60s nearly 100 strip clubs could be found in Soho.
  • In the mid '70s sex shops thrived into business littering the area.
  • 1980s brought the police closing in on the clubs, brothels, and sex shops, and a reduction, or at least restricting occurred.
  • And by 2000 the red-light area had been reduced to areas surrounding Brewer Street and Berwick Street, but sex shops and prostitution are still widely popular, with tons of shops around the area and prostitution being a huge force at night.
Needless to say, Soho needs our prayer for the Holy Spirit to reveal and draw people to Jesus Christ.

" And you were dead in the trespasses and sins in which you once walked, following the course of this world, following the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that is now at work in the sons of disobedience-- among whom all once lived in the passions of our flesh, carrying out the desires of the body and the mind, and were by nature children of wrath, like the rest of mankind. But God, being rich in mercy, because of the great love with which he loved us, even when we were dead in our trespasses, made us alive together with Christ -- by grace you have been saved -- and raised us with him and seated us with him in the heavenly place in Christ Jesus, so that in the coming ages he might show the immeasurable riches of his grace in kindness toward us in Christ Jesus. For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not at result of works, so that no one may boast. For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them." Ephesians 2:1-10

Pray that God, just as He did for us, shows His love, mercy, and grace to the people of Soho, redeeming them into His Kingdom. Pray for the people to receive the gift that He's offering.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Speaker's Corner

Every Sunday, all day Sunday, you can find a crowd at a corner in London’s Hyde Park. Speaker's Corner is a place full of history where the likes of Karl Marx, George Orwell, & Vladimir Lenin came to both listen and speak their views. This corner is a place where men (seldom women) come to speak their minds and lavish the crowd's ears with persuasive arguments about the man’s religion, political view, and/or nonsensical tales. However, most men come out to debate against Jesus Christ. Why? Because most men who currently come to Speaker's Corner practice Islam.

Now I have zero speaking cred, but Speaker's Corner is no doubt one of the toughest places to speak about Christ (not including countries that persecute Christian men and women). The main reason that Speaker’s Corner is so difficult to profess Christ and speak His Truth is because the Muslims out number everyone by about 200-250 people. That fact alone would be difficult, but these guys know their stuff. Well, at first it seems so, but what most men do to discredit the Bible and Jesus Christ is misinterpret, and cherry-pick verses. So this can be a massacre (and has been for me a few times) to a Christian who doesn’t know why they believe in Jesus Christ, or how to communicate it.

The beauty of Speaker's Corner is that it makes me think. There have been countless times that the Holy Spirit has spoken through me while being there, but there have also been those times where I've been stumped. It's those times of ignorance that the Lord speaks the loudest to me. He speaks every Monday morning, or fairly often all day Monday, as I search through Scripture to find the answers to questions that a Muslim or I think of while debating. The Lord has led me to the answer and unfolded my questioning every time -- absolutely every time -- my knowledge has failed. That's how awesome God is. He wants us to search Him and ask when we have questions -- He always holds up to my pondering and leads me multiple steps forward into His goodness.

I want to share with you what the Lord has led me to. Maybe you'll find it helpful. My prayer is that the Holy Spirit will empower you through the Truth He leads me to, so if you are placed in the same situation(s) you can accurately represent the Truth of Jesus Christ. I will be posting a series of questions/answers that have been thrown my way and that God has shown Himself through.

Please pray that Speaker's Corner be transformed to a place where Jesus Christ is worshiped and where God receives Glory.

to be continued...

Saturday, October 17, 2009

A Word on Prayer & a Video

Jesus said to His disciples (and to us):

Truly, Truly I say to you, whoever believes in me will also do the works that I do; and greater works than these will he do, because I am going to the Father. Whatever you ask in my name, this I will do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. If you ask me anything in my name, I will do it!”
John 14:12-14

The Lord has been stretching me lately with how much I pray to Him. That no matter how much I do go to Him in prayer, I could and should be striving for more. That He doesn't limit things; I do. That I've taken for granted what communicating with the Savior means and how awesome it is to speak with El-Shaddai.

The Lord called me to London. Simply, I want and need the Holy Spirit to guide me, to soften hearts, to flow through the streets of London, and to do what Jesus does - save. I can't save. You can't save. Only Jesus redeems souls and places His Holy Spirit in us to dwell.

This amazing truth should have us desperate for His action, desperate to be in His presence, and desperate to follow Him. Desperate to speak with Jesus.

"Elijah was a man with a nature like ours, and he prayed fervently that it might not rain, and for three years and six months it did not rain on the earth. Then he prayed again, and Heaven gave rain, and the earth bore its fruit."
James 5:17 & 18

Elijah was prophet from the Lord, filled with the Holy Spirit, who desired to Glorify the Lord. He was a man, human, an average dude. But, the Lord worked incredibly through him because Elijah followed the Lord, was lead by the Spirit, and prayed fervently for the will of God to be done - for God to reveal himself to idol worshiping people.

Elijah's prayer on Mount Carmel when the prophets of baal tested God: "O Lord, God of Abraham, Isaac, and Israel, let it be known this day that you are God in Israel, and that I am your servant, and that I have done all these things at your word. Answer me, O Lord, answer me, that this people may know that you, O Lord, are God, and that you have turned their hearts back." (1 Kings 18 - read it) Elijah prayed fervently and communicated constantly with God, and huge, "impossible" things happened. A water soaked altar was engulfed by a pillar of fire sent down from Heaven and the people cried "The Lord, He is God; The Lord, He is God."

The Lord desires for London to echo "The Lord, He is God; The Lord, He is God."

Fight with me in prayer, for the Lord to redeem, and turn London from a rebellious nation to a nation worshiping Jesus once again.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

So this happened 2 days ago

The air in London is turning cool and crisp, even in midday. Quite pleasant to sit in the coolness allowing the rays of sunlight to warm me. The leaves have begun to show it. They’ve turned to bright yellows and deep oranges. Trees turning from top down, the color filtering through the green. The flowers around them are striving to their final vibrant kick of color before they pass away.

It’s everywhere.

In the fantastic blue sky, the clouds as they travel on by. In the ancient brick on which the museums, flats, and churches sit. Yes, churches sit. In the latte in which I sip. In the pigeons who collectively fly away to swoop around a tree only to land right where they took off, twice.

This autumn day is full of it. Echoes of children playing in the fields. Murmurs from the people resting on the wood surrounding. It’s around them. Some share in it, but most of London have no idea it’s here.

That He’s here.

Like the autumn leaves and flowers, their own glory will shortly last and quickly fade. Death swoops in as a black-feathered crow, starting with one, but then swiftly overruns. Death’s swoop came long ago, lasting through the ages. For how long, I don’t know. But, sin’s sting, it breaks and rages.

His beauty out lasts death’s fatal swoop, in fact, He stands having conquered it. He’s here, even as death takes, showing Himself to London town. His grace and love is all around. Everywhere I look His Glory found. His Light, the sound, even the yellowy-orange falling to the ground.

But they miss Him.

Glory so easily seen, yet, so easily missed. So simple, also complex. Darkness constantly creeping, always deceiving, until the day Light puts him away. The crow will sound as darkness cries; his reign in this town finally dies. For winter is about to begin, ice and short days do invade. Not before His Spirit dwells within, redeeming souls before they fade.

Some have found, God’s Glory around.

The Lord reviving London town, calling warriors to proclaim in Jesus name, to be witnesses of His love profound, the whisper of salvation turned into a trumpeting fame.

Worship. Yes Church, worship His Glorious Name.

Forgiveness, peace, and grace He provides, for all these broken and tormented lives. His Spirit overwhelms inside, as He starts to rise. Filling up and overflowing. Rushing out as a spring, a miraculous stream, bursting at my seams. The Truth, the Truth of Jesus, changing everything.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

London 3 1/2 weeks In

So this video took foreverrrrrrr to load -- a week to be precise.

Click it.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

A Night in London (vidddgeeoooo)

This is a quick video of what the Lord allowed me to be apart of last Thursday, September 24th, 2009. It was an incredible, action packed few hours, in which this video hardly does justice.

Simply and magnificently, God is Good, and God is Great.

And I had fun.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

The Free Gift

I’ve been here, in London, for almost two weeks now. Time has flown by and the Lord has worked magnitudes in that short time. The Lord has spoken, largely through His Word, where He has lead me to both Ezekiel and to Romans. It is Romans that I feel He wants me to press on this afternoon. Ezekiel will come later, when the time is right.

The Holy Spirit led me to Romans right before I arrived in London. I have continued to read through the heavy and dense material as I sit in these cultural London cafés.

The Spirit has continued to press on me that we – human, man, flesh – live in sin. We are surrounded by sin. We are consumed by sin; habits, addictions, small & large. We are sin, plain and simple. Since the Fall, humankind has been riddled by sin.

Therefore, just as sin came into the world through one man, and death through sin, and so death spread to all men because all sinnedFor as by one man’s disobedience the many were made sinners… (Romans 5:12a & 19a).

How many of us today told a lie? How many of us cheated on a test? How many stole some money, a song off the Internet, or some food from your roommate? Men, how many of us lustfully looked at a woman? Women, how many of you gossiped or “told a friend about another friend’s problem?”

Men, we sin. Women, you sin. We all sin. Whether we like it or not, mankind are slaves to sin, to our selfishness. At times we can’t help it, and at other times, we choose to sin. We are not “good people” and believing such is a lie straight from the slippery lips of satan. Of course we all are capable of doing good, but that doesn’t make us good at our core. We, as humans, choose to do the selfish, the prideful, and let jealousy, and let anger take control. We let sin take control.

But there is freedom from sin. There is freedom from ourselves. There is freedom, period.

The freedom is found in Jesus Christ. My friends, that sin that we all do, that sin that we all are, it keeps us from being united with God. (God, the creator of the Universe we live in, that we study trying to find Him in – which, isn’t going to happen. You can’t define the creator by His creation. You can see Him in it, but not entirely.) The sin we are, keeps us from being united with God. He doesn’t want to be separated from us. He wants us. He wants us to want Him, and more so, God wants a relationship with us; much like a friendship but much sweeter.

For there is no distinction: for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and are justified by His grace as a gift, through the redemption that is in Jesus Christ, whom God put forward as a propitiation by His blood, to be received by faith” (Romans 3:24&25).

You see, God wants us so bad that He sent His Son. Himself in the flesh, Himself in man form, so that Jesus could choose to sacrifice Himself on the cross for us, for our sin. For the very thing that we are, that we do. Sin, being a wedge between man and God, has now been lifted because of Christ. Because He - being sinless - loves you (and me) so much that He died a brutal death for the crap that we choose to do, the sin we choose to do. He died for, and to that sin, but He then rose from the clutches of death, taking power over sin and over death. He wants to give that power, through the Holy Spirit, to you! He wants freedom for you!

The bottom line is this: “For when you were slaves of sin… what fruit were you getting at that time from the things of which you are now ashamed? For the end of those things is death” (Romans 6:20&21). Friends, some of you are still slaves to sin, to yourselves, doing your will in life. Yeah, it seems harmless but take a second, look, and stop faking to yourselves. This is real life and there are real choices to make. Build your own kingdom – meaning, go to X college, study Y amount, get Z as a job, and make tones of money with which you can make the earth a better place. The earth, just like you and I, the money we make, and all in this world, will one day perish; one day be no more. Can’t you feel that there is something larger then you beckoning for you? That something is more like a someone, and He is the Almighty God.

But God shows His love for us in that while we were sinners, Christ died for us” (Romans 5:8).

God loves you. He wants, He’s jealous for a relationship with you, and He wants to show you a life that is abundant in Him. Jesus said “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy (sounds like sin…). I came that they (those who receive Him) may have life and have it abundantly” (John 10:10). God wants the best for you, and that’s Himself in your life as intimate as humanly possible.

All of you reading, that don’t know Jesus, know that I’ve prayed for you to receive His love, not just a title or a lifestyle, but Him, completely. And that His Holy Spirit would fill you, fill that void you feel, the depression you feel, and the brokenness you feel. That you would surrender to Him, and experience the passion and completeness of the Savior, Jesus Christ. I’ve prayed this for you: “But now that you have been set free from sin and have become slaves to God, the fruit you get leads to sanctification and its end, eternal life” (Romans 6:22). That you would be set free from the strangle hold of sin and its death grip. Freedom only comes through Jesus, through confession that we are sinners, and genuinely praying to receive the Holy Spirit, making Jesus Lord of our lives. Let Him in. Allow the Savior and God of the universe to flood your soul; to heal you, to breathe a breath of fresh air into your dying body. Let Him take your hopes, your worries, your life, and let Him be what you’ve been longing for, a Savior.

For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord” (Romans 6:23).

Receive the gift freely given — but cost Jesus sweat, shame, blood, pain, and death — done out of His love for all of us.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Thankful for the Risk OR Just Plain Terrified?

It’s been a week since I flew out of the airport in HotLanta (Atlanta) and landed in Heathrow International Airport; here in my new home of London. You see, before I departed, I was terrified of what London held for me – what and why the Lord wanted me here. The Lord gave me pieces of what and why, but not details. Details that would have disabled my fear, but also left me acting, and not depending on His guidance. Fear still overran my mind and body while I sat in Heathrow Airport trying to pray through what and where to go in the big unknown that was London.

Finally, after an hour or so, the Lord gave me courage and the sense of freedom that London offered me outside the retractable doors of Heathrow. All I had to do was allow Him to lead me and the doors would open, automatically.

Jesus wants that for you, for all of us. He wants to guide you, to lead you, to be active in your life. Let Him. Let Him lead you into the unknown so that He can show you His hand. He’s God, and He’ll show you a glimpse of His power and provision. The doors will open, like they’re automatic. Jesus commands us constantly in His Gospel to not be afraid. Fear is of man and of satan. Allow the Lord to dispel all fear and follow Him wherever it is He’s leading you. His purpose and His will are worth the unknowns He’ll have you face.

Jesus is begging you to take Him seriously and live like He did. He’s jealous for a relationship or if you are Born Again, a deeper one. He’s begging for us to take Him seriously and not just receive Him, but live under His guidance. I think it angers Him to have consumeristic Christians who simply attend a church or place God in a 15-minute time span during their day. Jesus went to the cross, died, and rose again, not just to have us be comfortable, and live faithless lives (a life so comfortable we need not have faith to walk through the day). He gave His all for us so that we may have life, and have it to the full (John 10:10). The Spirit, that power, that miraculous and overwhelming awesome, lives in all who proclaim Him as Lord and Savior. Its time we acted on faith and followed His Holy Spirit’s voice, and Jesus’ example. Its time we placed Him as our lives, the definition, and not just a piece in the mornings so that we can feel good and get our jollies later. He demands us—all of us. He paid for us. He deserves, and commands respect. Jesus is jealous for us and wants to show you more of Himself. He wants us to be examples of His love, His sacrifice, and His forgiveness. He wants to work so brilliantly in our lives that people can’t explain what’s happened, but give responsibility and Glory to God.

My friends, a “London” awaits you. He may have you on a cliff, had you there for weeks, calling you to jump into the unknown. Jump. He wants to show you more of His love and He can only do that if we follow where He leads. The unknown we jump into is only unknown to us, to our human, restricted minds. The Lord knows exactly why, and where He’s calling our actions. We need to trust Him. We need to remember that He is faithful—that Moses and the Exodus were real. The Lord provides. He guides with a pillar of fire by night and a cloud of smoke by day.

He’s guided that way in London. Within 24hours of arriving, He connected me with a Church-plant here in London with an awesome group of people and men on fire for Jesus. The Lord has provided for my needs like never before. His hand has been in everything. I’ve been blessed and so thankful for the sharpening fellowship Reality London provides, and the way the Lord has called people who don’t know Him to me while sitting in Starbucks. There are lost and confused people in London, and who want the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I’m so thankful He’s allowed me to take part, a small part, yet a part. Jesus wants us to take Him seriously. To live a life desperate for His action – I finally did – but will you?

When they had finished breakfast, Jesus said to Simon Peter, ‘Simon, son of John, do you love me more than these?’ (More than comforts, more than your life itself, more than all materials you have)
He said to Him, ‘Yes, Lord; you know that I love you.’
He said, ‘Feed my lambs.’
He said to him a second time, ‘Simon, son of John, do you love me?’
He said to Him, ‘Yes, Lord; you know that I love you.’
He said to him ‘Tend to my sheep.’
He said to him the third time, ‘Simon, son of John, do you love me?’
Peter was grieved because he said to him the third time, ‘Do you love me?’ and he said to him, ‘Lord, you know everything; you know that I love you.’
Jesus said to him, ‘Feed my sheep.’…

When Peter saw him (John, following Peter and Jesus), he said to Jesus, ‘Lord, what about this man?’
Jesus said to him, ‘If it is my will that he remain until I come, what is that to you?’
You follow me!’”

John 21:15-17 & 21&22.

Let Him lead. Trust in Jesus. Trust Him with your life. Let His heart become your heart and your desires will become His desires. If we love Him, then that love will show through our obedience to His call. Follow Him. There will be blood, sweat, pain, uncomfortable nights (days too), and tears. But there will be love, joy, comfort in the uncomfortable, and Jesus. Follow Him and Jesus will open the doors automatically (working by itself with little or no direct human control).

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Keep Beating

Yesterday, a dear friend wrote me an email. An email that was full of encouragement and challenges. The email was full of Jesus. In the email, my friend wrote a phrase and this morning the Lord and I tweaked it a bit. I was praying through it, praying for it, and desiring to be it.

The prayer being: “Lord, prepare me to usher You (the Messiah, Jesus Christ) into London—keep me beating in Your heart of light in this decaying body of darkness; draw them to You.”

This reminds me of Psalms where constantly we are reminded of how short our lives are. How short life itself is. This also reminds me of how many people don’t know Jesus, not just in London, but also in the States, and the World. That should bother every Christ follower. He demands that we spread His love and His message of Truth to everyone. He calls us to be a beat in His heart for the world.

A voice says, “Cry!” And I said, “What shall I cry?”
All flesh is grass, and all it’s beauty is like the flower of the field.
The grass withers, the flower fades when the breath of the Lord blows on it; surely the people are grass.
The grass withers, the flower fades,
But the word of God will stand forever.
Isaiah 40:6-8

We are of grass and flowers. Our lives will last but a second; but only a beat in the time Jesus created. We must beat for Him – for His glory, His Son who will last forever.

Father, the hour has come; glorify your Son that the Son may glorify You, since You have given Him authority over all flesh, to give eternal life to all whom You have given Him. And this is eternal life, that they know You the only true God, and Jesus Christ who you have sent. I glorified You on earth, having accomplished the work that You gave me to do. And now, Father, glorify me in Your own presence with the glory that I had with You before the world existed.” John 17:1b-5

With His life, Jesus beat to the heart of the LORD because the Lord’s heart was Jesus’ heart. Jesus and God were one. Only Jesus can revive the decaying body that we – His Light – live amongst.

Jesus continues to pray, “All mine are yours, and yours are mine, and I am glorified in them. And I am no longer in the world, but they are in the world, and I am coming to You. Holy Father, keep them in Your name, which You have given me, that they may be one, even as we are one.” John 17:10&11

We don’t last forever, but Jesus does. Since before the world existed, He was. We are simply a beat, just as Jesus was with His earthly life. Lets have our lives beat to His heart, as one, to glorify the one True God. We do that, and London, Anderson, Clemson, -- the world – can’t help but experience Jesus.

The world would beat as one. Beg Jesus to revive the body, the city, the home, the family that are all in decay. Let His light shine through us to the cracks and deepest depths of darkness.

So I beg you, be the heart beat of Jesus in your city, at your job, in your school, in your home, at your parties, and glorify Jesus in you.

"Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast Spirit within me." Psalm 51:10

Keep beating & beg Him to revive.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Blessings from Jesus

I woke up this morning at Noon - blessing number one. Yeah, I said noon, 12:00p, you know, when the sun is directly above your head... I also spent last night in bed for the first time since Kenya a few weeks ago, so I'm not surprised I slept for so long, and Jesus provided such rest. I'm also thankful that I got to wake up and take a shower (blessing number 2)... something I hadn't done yet in London.

This morning, er... afternoon I woke and went outside into the park that surrounds the hostel I'm staying in - blessing number 3. The hostel is beautiful and the park that surrounds it is called Holland Park - breathtaking in Autumn (#4). After some time on a bench in the Park, I walked to a Costa Cafe for some coffee.

In the Cafe I got to spend 4 or 5 hours reading and writing/praying. The Lord placed a few people in my path and challenged me a bit, but all in all a beautiful day, full of rest, full of Him. Rest that I haven't really had recently. My body was tired. I love being free to study and spend that much time in Jesus (#5). Feels good.

Here's something the Lord hit me with today:

"On the evening of that day, the first day of the week, the doors being locked where the disciples were for fear of the Jews, Jesus came and stood among them and said to them, 'Peace be with you.' When He had said this, he showed them his hands and his side. Then the disciples were glad when they saw the Lord." John 20:19&20 (#6).

The disciples were riddled with fear for they suspected the Jews were about to do the same to them, that they did to Jesus. I can only imagine what my heart would feel and all the scenarios that my mind would be tormenting me with while locked up in a room, hiding. Then Jesus busts in from who knows where, and who knows how, but He does -- He enters a locked room. As He appears, He says, "Peace be with you." And He does so, not as a greeting. (Side note: we've perverted that into a greeting/farewell - we can't give peace, we can just beg God for it.) Jesus busts all up in that room and delivers just what the disciples need. He spoke directly to their heart. And the best thing is He'll do that for us, today. The disciples were overwhelmed with an earthly fear and Jesus gives them peace. In fear, Jesus dispels it and brings His peace to our soul. In return, while carrying His peace with us, carrying Him with us, He demands that we go out and speak to others; to be His light in the uncomfortable, and dark situation. He gave us faith (#7). He gave us Truth (#8). He gave us His Love (#9). He gives us the understanding of life and who life is made for (JESUS). How can we not tell everyone? How could we not want to be the Son of Man's light into a barren world?

I needed to hear that from Him today.

Blessings from Jesus = His peace, His eyes, and His heart -- Him -- while I'm in a city that desperately needs Him. I pray His blessings upon us and that we strive to bring Him glory.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

God’s Provision in London

Let me tell you a little story that could peak your interest. That, if believed, could change your outlook on situations. On one side of the story we have God – the magnificent, the omnipotent, the never failing, and the ever faithful; while on the other side weighing in at 130lbs, we have me – the doubter, the weak of mind and all too seldom, heart, and the king of frustration.

There have been times that I’ve grown frustrated since arriving in London. The first night, Friday, was obviously a smack in the face. I had no idea what to do once I got off of the Tube on Covenant Garden. I just wanted to explore and sleep; which are quite the opposite feelings. Instead, I just walked down the street to and found the Temple of London. Here I am thinking this is a Jewish or Hindu or some other religions’ shindig. I poked my head in and lost interest because there was noting around. I got as far as the steps, when I sat distraught about what to do and not hearing straight from the Lord where I should go. I began to beg God for guidance and the Holy Spirit told me to go back in the Temple. Now that was the last thing I wanted to do, but I obeyed and found a prayer room. It ended up, that this wasn’t a Temple, but a Church that preached the Truth of Jesus Christ. A French woman sat beside me in the room and began to talk to me, to open up about life, and gave me some advice about London. Now hear me, I understood everything and all, but the best advice she told me was the all McDonald’s have free wifi. In fact I think they are the only place to give free wifi. (you can tell be/c all the American’s are in there.)

Saturday, I wake up at 5am and go to McDonald’s for some time with Jesus and to check the interwebs. I met some awesome people while I was there. One young lady, Nadene sat and talked to me about Jesus and how it was refreshing to see someone read the Bible. She actually gave me some money to help with everything. The next guys that I met, were Jay and Dusty who are traveling all over Europe with their school. The two guys sat and talked for some time, and told me about a Church plant, Reality London that started a few weeks ago. I checked the Church out on the interwebs and felt like the Holy Spirit was drawing me to attend there Sunday (today). So, on Sunday I woke up and walked the two miles to Reality London where I met the Pastor, Mark, his wife Lizzy, and Christian the worship leader. That is the core of the church – these two families. I helped them set some stuff up and told them all about how Jesus has been pursing me lately (ie coming to London and what He spoke to get me here.) We then had church, in a movie theater, in London – well more specifically, Notting Hill. The sermon was on John 1:1-18, which 1, is my favorite scripture in the Bible; and 2, what Jesus used to soften my heart on the day I decided to obey Him and dropout of school. Even cooler, I just taught a Bible study on the scripture because the Lord rocked my face with it, again. Want more? The worship set, at times, were identical to prayers that I’ve written in my journal these past two days of being a Londoner. Aaaand just to add to it, Mark used other scripture that I’ve been praying these past two day, including the passage from John 17 I posted yesterday. As if it wasn’t obvious that this was one of God’s divine appointments, Mark was cool, paid for my lunch, and helped me find and pay for a hostel. The hostel is in the middle of Holland Park and reminds me of a dream I once had.

You see, Jesus is a God of taking the obscure details that make us feel like we arn't in His will, details when we’re pissed or frustrated, and then He reveals His will and show’s us feeble minded fools that He is God. Showing us that He’s got us in His clinched, yet soothing fist, protected.

Separated, they’re just awesome little connections made and sweet gestures. But put them together, and we see a glimpse of God’s provision. No there are no coincidences. None.

My question is what aren’t we doing because we think God can’t provide. We all have something He’s commanded us to do that we would do, if Jesus could get our back. Guess what? He’s the flyest cat of all time—actually He created time—so I’m going to push the chips all in, and say He’s got our back. Sadly, we all shortchange the power that took the Messiah from death and back to life, and fold on His calling in our lives. We make grave mistakes out of fear, and we rob the most High God of the Glory only He deserves.

We should all stop the nonsense, ok. He went all in. He calls us to do the same. He will provide.

So take the leap. He won't catch you. He'll do better. He'll give you wings to fly.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

When in London...

After fourteen hours of flying, 4 hours of layovers, and hours of delays, I've arrived in the center of the city of London. It is incredible. Hands down way more busy then I expected and the people are way cool. Its taken less then a day for me to realize that there are Brits here, but there are just as many foreigners in London, if not more.

I experienced a few snags in getting here and arriving in the city, but only things that make my feeble mind worry. Such as a border patrol lady who was determined to keep me from entering the UK after she heard that Jesus told me to come, but the Lord is faithful. Aaand the crazy eyed border lady was defeated. I also met a French woman in a church prayer room who gave me her life story and her worries about life. A very sobering conversation where the Lord showed me how much favor He's placed on me with arriving here in London. Later in the evening, I ended up sleeping in St Andrews Catholic Church's garden, which again was a sobering experience. I enjoyed a brisk night sleeping under the few stars that I could see and praying to the Lord--out of fear for comfort, at one point, and out of thanksgiving and peace the next-- but the stars weren't nearly as cool as they were in Kenya. I woke up at 5am to this man vomiting in a bush beside me, which scared the hotmess out of me, but nothing serious happened. Plus, I can't help but laugh every time I've looked back and told people about this morning. This is my life... better yet, this is Jesus' life that He's graciously let me experience.

The Lord has rocked me since I left Atlanta at 5:55pm on September 10th. I've hit very high highs and the low of lows; all in about 24 hours. I miss y'all (and the fact that people understand the word "y'all"). The Lord has lead me to Ezekiel since leaving and He has greatness in store for London - for His people to turn back to His ever-burning love. He is jealous and eager to rekindle the fire in London. Please pray for the city, the people (those living, entering, & leaving her), and for myself.

Y'all should read Ezekiel. I'll be writing on what the Lord spoke.

Jesus prays about His disciples, about us: "I do not ask that you take them out of the world, but that you keep them from the evil one. They are not of the world, just as I am not of the world. Sanctify them in the truth; you word is truth. As you sent me into the world, so I have sent them into the world. And for their sake I consecrate myself, that they also may be sanctified in truth."
John 17:15-19

Jesus is power and in Him we are shown truth. Be His truth.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Praise the LORD O my Soul

I woke up one morning super early, and I felt down and out. Ever feel like that? Wake up in a bad mood for no reason at all? It's lame. The feeling puts a damper on our morning, then that damper can creep in and dominate our day if we let it.

Thankfully, the LORD pulled me out of the damper and depressive state. An emotional state that was caused by worry and trying to do life on my own (all that and it was only 6am). The LORD lead me to Psalm 103 and scissor kicked me in the gut. You know, a loving scissor kick.

"Praise the LORD, O my soul;
all my inmost being, praise his holy

Done. Stop at verse one. Praise the LORD. Those words are repeated through out the Psalm and then the Psalmist expresses why we should Praise the LORD...

"Praise the LORD, O my soul,
and forget not all His benefits--
who forgives all your sins
and heals all you diseases,
who redeems your life from the pit
and crowns you with love and
who satisfies your desires with good
so that your youth is renewed like
the eagle's."

We are commanded to praise the LORD. Better yet, the Holy Spirit in me (and you) craves to give God all the glory and praise, and to worship Him constantly. It's my (and your) flesh, my (your) sin that gets in the way of that constant praise. now that's lame.

Fast-forward a few hours and BAAM, I'm at my desk eating some Dove chocolate. In the wrapper of the chocolate reads a message: "Count your blessings, not your worries." The message hits home...

Immediately the Holy Spirit rolls my thoughts to Psalm 103. Praise the LORD with all my soul for all the blessings He's poured out on me. Because Jesus saved me. Because the LORD heals my hurts, my pains. And because the LORD loves me and wants to renew me. He wants us to worship Him not only because He deserves it, but because its then that we find the true love and joy the LORD is offering us. To praise the LORD is to tap into a fountain of goodness, that once jumped into, reveals how small our problems are, and how huge, compassionate, and gracious our God is.

Praising God takes us out of our small world and into his loving hands. Praising God takes our lives off of ourselves and on Him -- where they need to be. Praising God lets us experience His joy -- a pure joy that He desperately wants us to tap into and live in.

This praise is not just singing worship songs... Praising Jesus is a lifestyle. Praising Jesus is making our thoughts, our attitudes, and our actions bow down to Him. Praising Him is walking with Him daily. Its serving others so that they may meet Him and start a relationship of praise. Praising Jesus is being obedient to His call, to His conviction, and to His purpose for our lives.

Our praise matters to the LORD. It is the reason that He has created us! He has crafted praise so perfectly. Let me explain: when we praise the LORD, we are aware of His active hand in our lives. Praise places our focus upon the gifts and blessings the LORD has provided. Our souls are refined more and more by Jesus when we praise Him. The creation of praise is incredible because the more we do it, the more thankful we become, and the more we want to be thankful. The LORD demands our praise -- not just because He is worthy of it, but because He wants the best for us. He wants us to experience the Joy that He'll pour over us when we praise Him. He wants to break us of all the other idols in our lives that steal His glory, that we place our comfort and faith in. He alone demands praise because He created the Heavens and Earth to bring Him glory.

So next time your down and out, don't sulk in it like I did. That reaction gets us no where. But go & "praise the LORD, all His works everywhere in His dominion.

Praise the LORD, O my soul."

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Majestic in Holiness

I've been kind of frustrated lately. You know how it goes sometimes... we get stuck, placed in frustrating times where life begins to get a bit hectic and nothing seems to go the 'easy way.' Money runs low, houses get flees, motorcycles don't work, and relationships get tough. You know the saying, "When it rains, it pours." The question we need to ask ourselves is, what are we built on when the rain comes. Since April, my world has been rocked. Since April, my world has completely changed. In April, the LORD called me to leave school without revealing why. All I got was Him telling me, "its not called faith if you see the next step." Now, the LORD doesn't always work this way. Each of us are different people, for He's made us all different, and made us for a different calling in life. Since the school decision I've been praying for next steps, the reason to drop out. The LORD has revealed said step, but now its time for me to man up and do it. For me to be patient and allow Him to speak clearly to me the detailed actions I am now to follow.

The problem: I'm not patient. Doubt creeps into my mind. Negative feelings seep out of me. I get tired and weary. Satan attacks, and attacks hard.

Solution: I dive head first into the Bible and beg Jesus to consume me. Two days ago, I asked the LORD to speak to me, to encourage me. aaaaand no surprise, He did.

"As Pharaoh approached, the Israelites looked up, and there were the Egyptians, marching after them. They were terrified and cried out to the LORD. They said to Moses, "Was it because there were no graves in Egypt that you brought us to the desert to die? What have you done to us by bringing us out of Egypt? Didn't we say to you in Egypt, 'Leave us alone; let us serve the Egyptians'? It would have been better for us to serve the Egyptians than to die in the desert!"
Exodus 14:10-12

The Israelites have left Egypt traveling through the desert toward the Red Sea. They reach the Sea and look back to see the Egyptian army chasing after them. They panic. They allow the situation to overwhelm them, and honestly, who could blame them. Fear struck them at their core. The Israelites began to doubt the LORD and Moses like never before. They question everything; the LORD's mercy to get them out of slavery and they even suggest that life was better in Egypt - stagnant, typical, risk free, but safe. The Israelites even consider that serving the Egyptians, instead of the LORD our God, is better off for their future. Why? Because it was safe, it was conceivable, but not fruitful. The Israelites lose focus of God's power and guiding hand as they face the fierce Egyptian Army. They let fear override their faith in God. They let finite sin skew their perception of an infinite God. A God who has already provided and shown His miraculous power. Fear, doubt, panic, and faithlessness latch on to their minds, and take control of their consciousness.

Let this marinade. Have you done that? Have you been where the Israelite nation was? Have you ever been in a situation where the LORD has lead you, but Satan uses the good, perverts it, and attacks you constantly trying to divert your eyes from Jesus? I have. Hands down. Recently, those feelings have hit me daily.

Check it: "Moses answered the people, 'Do not be afraid. Stand firm and you will see the deliverance the LORD will bring you today. The Egyptians you see today you will never see again. The LORD will fight for you; you need only to be still." Exodus 14:13 & 14

Baam! The LORD spoke immeasurably to me through these two verses. Just as Moses spoke to the Israelites, the LORD spoke to me: "Do not be afraid. Your fear is pointless. Do you not understand that I am the LORD who created the Heavens and the Earth? Do you not remember that I will blaze a path for you and be the Light for you to follow? Stand firm. Stand firm in the position of life I've placed you in. I'm teaching you here. Stand firm. It won't be easy. Don't bend, don't break, don't try to do it on your own - remember, Seth, 'I am who I am.' I am what you need. Lean on Me for I will help you stand firm. I will deliver you. Deliverance will come. I am faithful. Again, I will deliver you from this feeling of doubt, this feeling of aimlessness, and I will show you whats next. Just. be. patient. I will deliver you. Your problems that are causing you to doubt and fear will one day cease to exist. I am God and I am beside you. I will fight for you during this. I will protect you from this and more; from things you can't even imagine yet. Have faith for I will fight for you, all you need to do is be still - be calm. Seth, stay calm. Stand firm in Me, in Jesus, for I will fight, guide, and deliver you to My next step I have for you. You only need Me. Only I'll bring you true Joy. Be still and trust me."

I didn't read any further. I didn't need to. The LORD spoke loud and clear. I want you to hear this too. Don't be afraid. Don't worry. We need to stand firm for the LORD our God will provide for us. He will deliver. He will. He's faithful and true. He rules whatever worry or doubt or fear or struggle we may have. He is LORD of all - not just the good, but everything bows to Him. We can't fight, but He can. We don't have strength, but He is strength. He will fight for us. We must be still. This doesn't mean stagnant, not fruitful, but at peace in His presence. We need to be calm and seek His restful presence constantly. Only He can fight, only Jesus can sustain, only His Holy Spirit can calm our nerves.

Its difficult to be patient, but let Him fight and be still in His presence. Have faith in Jesus and stand firm in where He has called you. His deliverance will come because He is faithful.

He will not guide you and then not provide for you. Jesus expresses His faithfulness and love for us.

So go to Him. Place your trust in Him. And do it daily.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Thursday Night Bible Study (3): Acts 13

Acts 13

13:1-3 - Here we see how the leaders of the Church of Antioch seek Jesus. The Church at Antioch has been established, the Holy Spirit is using Her to bring people to know Jesus, and make those believers into disciples of Christ. But a Church alive, like the one in Antioch, is always seeking the LORD for next steps. Barnabas, Simeon, Lucius, Manaen, and Saul seek the LORD's guiding hand by fasting, worshiping, and praying to Him. What some, mainly me, call the trifecta. Jesus calls us to do all three and we see these 5 men completely seek the LORD through the ways He commands. V2 expresses that while these men were fasting, the Holy Spirit spoke to both Barnabas and Saul to start their mission work, first separately and then to the Church leaders. By fasting and praying to the LORD, Saul and Barnabas heard what the LORD called them to do for His glory. I want to challenge you - maybe you're in a spiritual rut, need God's guidance, plead with God for a friend, need to repent of sin - to do as Jesus and the leaders at Antioch did, and fast. Today, Christians pray and worship on a daily, or at least a weekly basis, but we often neglect to fast as Jesus instructs us. Fasting is a powerful tool that will open our minds and hearts to hear the voice of the Holy Spirit more clearly.

13:4 - Don't miss this - Saul and Barnabas go, they do what the LORD commands. The two of them don't just hear the instructions, but they listen, they follow. I'm sure it was difficult. I'm sure it was uneasy. I would even bet that doubt, placed in their minds by the cunning deceiver, Satan, caused them to second guess they even heard the voice of God. But Saul and Barnabas ignore those thoughts from their sinful nature and follow Christ's command.

13:5 - As soon as Saul and Barnabas arrive in Salamis, they start to proclaim the word of God. They go straight to the Jewish synagogues and proclaim that Jesus Christ is the Messiah. They waist no time telling people about Jesus.

13:6-12 - Saul, now called Paul (v9) while filled with the Holy Spirit, lays the smack down on the false prophet named Elymas. Paul proclaims that the Holy Spirit will cause Elymas to go blind because his false teachings have placed him as an adversary of the LORD. Immediately the man becomes blind. Now, that's miraculous and awesome, but what happens next is even better. Because of Paul's teachings of Jesus Christ and the miracle the Holy Spirit did through Paul, the heart of the proconsul was transformed. The proconsul believed in Jesus. Verse 12 explains he saw and heard - it was the Holy Spirit's one-two punch to reveal the Truth of Jesus to this man.

13:13-15 - Once Paul and Barnabas arrived in Pisidian Antioch and on the Sabbath they go to the synagogue. Again, they go to the synagogue to preach about Jesus. After reading from the Old Testament, the leaders ask Paul to speak to the people and to encourage them.

13:16-41 - Paul stands up and begins to preach to the Jews. Paul unpacks for the people how God has orchestrated His actions from the beginning to the coming of Jesus Christ, and how Christ fulfills history perfectly. How history and time and creation were born for Him.

13:16-20 - Paul doesn't just physically stand up, but his speech stands up against the Jews. Paul is preaching a radical message. Paul's first few verses depict how God provided for the Israelites from the onset. He provided for them in slavery, provided a way for them to get out of slavery, and provided them a homeland. God provided as He showed His people His power with getting them out of Egypt and God showed the Israelites His mercy as they complained during the Exodus. God shows His mercy to us as He endures our conduct, our sin, and saves us anyway. God knew every one of our sins, small and large, before He sent His son Jesus, and He sent Him anyway - and Jesus freely gave Himself anyway. That's true love.

13:20-22 - Paul explains that the LORD provided Israel with judges, their first king Saul, and then David. The LORD will provide. When He calls us to do something, He will provide a way. The LORD provides leadership for His people. Saul didn't lean upon the LORD like the LORD demanded a leader to, so the LORD ousted him. The LORD will protect His people, especially from poor leadership.

13:23-25 - Paul expresses that everything that has happened in the world, has happened for the coming, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Paul goes in deeper with the mentioning of John the Baptist who gave his life to the service of God and to the proclamations that the Christ was near, thus the need for repentance. He believed in God and His son so much, that he lived in a desert wearing animal fur, drinking honey, and eating bugs. That's devotion. That's a faith that more people should live by.

13:26-31 - "it is to us that this message of salvation has been sent." Paul nails it. It's for the world that Jesus was sent - to save us all. What I can't understand is the complexity behind the Jews not recognizing Jesus for what He was, the Messiah, and by belittling Him to a shameful death, they fulfill God's promises. The detail and complexity behind such an event, that's without saying the awe of Jesus' resurrection, baffles me. Thankfully, He's God and we don't have to worry about such 'over-our-head' details. Jesus is the LORD fulfilling His promises to His people. Jesus and the message of salvation are for the people, even those who persecuted Him. His. mercy. blows. my. mind.

- Jesus fulfills the promises of God to the Israelites. Jesus' resurrection and conquering of death is the point of history.

13:36 & 37 - Like King David, God will put an end to our lives. But until the LORD does, we are to serve God's purpose for our lives. If you haven't dropped dead, then God isn't finished with you. He wants to know you more, wants you to know Him more, and wants to do work in you/us. Live for Him, serve Him, and do His will for your life. God's purpose never stopped for Jesus - He still saves people 2000 years after He conquered death!

13:38-40 - The kicker. Paul drops the bomb that Jesus died the horrible death to save humanity from our sins and to forgive us. That through the acceptance of Jesus Christ, we are justified from our sins. Paul continues that Jesus justifies us from sin, something that following the Law of Moses could never do. Basically, with that statement Paul does three things: 1) He speaks Truth. 2) His message, during this place and time, takes a quicker turn down radical road. 3) Paul is stating that good works, following the Law, will not get anyone anywhere. Only Jesus Christ saves and forgives of sins - not the Law. That is an extremely bold statement, a true statement, but radically bold.

13:41 - absolutely amazing. Most of the time, actions of the LORD are unexplainable, that's why they are of the LORD. He does the impossible. He is the unexplainable. Paul is pleading with the Jews to accept the Truth and to not be like their fathers who put the Messiah to death. Paul's recitation of Hab. 1:5 is extremely accurate. He is begging the Jews to accept Jesus, that they not doubt, scorn, or make a mockery of Him. Paul doesn't want them to fall in the same trap as their fathers. How many of us have fallen in that trap? How many of you don't believe? Make a mockery? The coolest thing is that Jesus died for us, even though we mock Him, lie to Him, and at times, doubt Him.

13:42 & 43 - The Jewish people were moved by Paul's preaching in the synagogue. So much so that they ask him to speak again next week and even follow him around town. Two things here grabbed my attention. 1) The congregation want Paul to speak again. They want to hear more about Jesus. They realize that God fulfills His promises and that they are missing something; that they are missing Jesus and His Holy Spirit. 2) Paul and Barnabas walk and talk with the congregation. They encourage and urge the people to continue in their walks with God. Paul isn't too good, isn't too tired, and isn't too prideful, to speak and encourage the people. As a leader, Paul gives himself for the glory of God. We could all learn from him.

13:44-48 - Fast-forward to the next Sabbath and almost the entire city came together to hear Paul speak. Paul doesn't disappoint. He preaches the message of Jesus and in return, some of the Jews in the area began to bash him. Filled with jealousy, which is sin, the Jews begin to slander Paul and Barnabas, and their teaching of Jesus. But Paul wasn't having any of it - he answers his opposition boldly and speaks truth to their hearts. Truth they don't want to hear and truth they don't accept. So Paul transitions his focus to the Gentiles because the Jews "do not consider themselves worthy of eternal life." We aren't worthy but there in lies the beauty of Christ's love. Paul continued to preach Jesus and those Gentiles whom the LORD appointed to eternal life believed in Him. Now, "appointed to eternal life?" It means, those people whom God had chosen and opened their hearts to receive Jesus on that day. God is omnipotent. He knows who and when and where we will accept Jesus. He knew when before the earth was spoken into existence. The Gentiles believed in Jesus and began their relationships with Him, forever saved, forever to be with Him.

13:49-52 - The Hand of the LORD was with Paul and his preaching so that the word of God spread throughout the area Paul was staying. With all standing up for Jesus and preaching His Good News, there will be opposition. There will be opposition every time we stand up for Jesus, spread His love, and His awesomeness. We need to continue to rest in Jesus when this persecution, because of being His disciples, arises in our lives. Paul and Barnabas kick the dust from their feet as the Jews booted them from Dodge, just as Jesus commands the His disciples. Its an act of shrugging off the persecution, keeping one's eyes on the future, JESUS, and not the past. Paul and Barnabas leave Pisidian Antioch because of the Jews, but simultaneously, because its God's will for them to preach Jesus' name to Iconium. God will receive glory from every situation - good and bad, joyous and sorrowful - He demands praise.

Chapter 13, like the entire Bible, unfolds God's plan to receive glory no matter what position His disciples are in. In what seems like a 'spiritual funk' or hardship, God will unfold His plan and guide us to give Him all glory.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

From Everlasting to Everlasting He is God

God has revealed to me His power, faithfulness, and grace this week. I pray that He has done the same for you and rocked your world! Something He has taught me this week, and I've slowly grabbed a hold of, is that God is holding us in His palms. He is so large, so all knowing, so faithful. I loose track of His power. When times are tough and life gets a little more difficult, I place an Almighty God into a confining box. When the truth is, He made "the box" I'm trying to place Him in. The Holy Spirit nailed me with this thought: The LORD places us in difficult situations where we can't see a way out, so that we lean on Jesus, and for God to reveal His power in our lives. He told me to embrace my position in life - that He'll show me His hand. Shown me He has.

Here are the random verses that the LORD has lead me to this week and began to teach me through.

"Before the mountains were born
or you brought forth the earth and the world,
from everlasting to everlasting you are God"
Psalm 90:2

I mean seriously, why do I worry about anything? Why do I fear anything? He is God - 'nough said. He gave birth to the mountains and before that the universe. I can't even fathom what "from everlasting to everlasting" means - I just know it's overwhelming my mind to try. I think it means Jesus is with us through every step, the ugly and the beautiful. That is so much easier to say, but He's so awe-inspiring when His action and truth takes place. He is God. Our problems are incredibly small to Him, but huge to us. He's faithful. God will provide for us because He always has. Rest in the fact that He's here, beside you, from everlasting to everlasting.

The past few months the LORD has been teaching me that all I need is Him. I wish I could say its been an easy and simple process. It hasn't been. However, through it He's made it clear He will provide if we follow Him and do what He commands. Its as "simple" as following His voice. He nailed me with this: "And my God will meet all your needs according to his glorious riches in Christ Jesus" Philippians 4:19. Dang that's truth. He'll provide for our needs, but we need to realize that we only need Him. Everything else He blesses us with is just that, a blessing.

"May the favor (beauty) of the Lord our God rest upon us;
establish the work of our hands for us—
yes, establish the work of our hands"
Psalm 90:17.

When we follow the Lord and allow His hands to work in us, then through us, we find favor. We will not necessarily be blessed with riches and possessions. More like the favor (or blessing) in the act - we would receive favor in advancing Jesus' name, His Kingdom. The blessing is in someone receiving Jesus, eternity changed, or someone growing closer to Jesus - blessings being based upon the spiritual/supernatural, and not of this world. Favor in our position in life, knowing Jesus is with us, leading us, and teaching us. It's an inward change that takes place through the Holy Spirit sharpening us and shining through us.

It's a process. A process of loosing ourselves and receiving more Jesus.