I've been kind of frustrated lately. You know how it goes sometimes... we get stuck, placed in frustrating times where life begins to get a bit hectic and nothing seems to go the 'easy way.' Money runs low, houses get flees, motorcycles don't work, and relationships get tough. You know the saying, "When it rains, it pours." The question we need to ask ourselves is, what are we built on when the rain comes. Since April, my world has been rocked. Since April, my world has completely changed. In April, the LORD called me to leave school without revealing why. All I got was Him telling me, "its not called faith if you see the next step." Now, the LORD doesn't always work this way. Each of us are different people, for He's made us all different, and made us for a different calling in life. Since the school decision I've been praying for next steps, the reason to drop out. The LORD has revealed said step, but now its time for me to man up and do it. For me to be patient and allow Him to speak clearly to me the detailed actions I am now to follow.
The problem: I'm not patient. Doubt creeps into my mind. Negative feelings seep out of me. I get tired and weary. Satan attacks, and attacks hard.
Solution: I dive head first into the Bible and beg Jesus to consume me. Two days ago, I asked the LORD to speak to me, to encourage me. aaaaand no surprise, He did.
"As Pharaoh approached, the Israelites looked up, and there were the Egyptians, marching after them. They were terrified and cried out to the LORD. They said to Moses, "Was it because there were no graves in Egypt that you brought us to the desert to die? What have you done to us by bringing us out of Egypt? Didn't we say to you in Egypt, 'Leave us alone; let us serve the Egyptians'? It would have been better for us to serve the Egyptians than to die in the desert!"
Exodus 14:10-12
The Israelites have left Egypt traveling through the desert toward the Red Sea. They reach the Sea and look back to see the Egyptian army chasing after them. They panic. They allow the situation to overwhelm them, and honestly, who could blame them. Fear struck them at their core. The Israelites began to doubt the LORD and Moses like never before. They question everything; the LORD's mercy to get them out of slavery and they even suggest that life was better in Egypt - stagnant, typical, risk free, but safe. The Israelites even consider that serving the Egyptians, instead of the LORD our God, is better off for their future. Why? Because it was safe, it was conceivable, but not fruitful. The Israelites lose focus of God's power and guiding hand as they face the fierce Egyptian Army. They let fear override their faith in God. They let finite sin skew their perception of an infinite God. A God who has already provided and shown His miraculous power. Fear, doubt, panic, and faithlessness latch on to their minds, and take control of their consciousness.
Let this marinade. Have you done that? Have you been where the Israelite nation was? Have you ever been in a situation where the LORD has lead you, but Satan uses the good, perverts it, and attacks you constantly trying to divert your eyes from Jesus? I have. Hands down. Recently, those feelings have hit me daily.
Check it: "Moses answered the people, 'Do not be afraid. Stand firm and you will see the deliverance the LORD will bring you today. The Egyptians you see today you will never see again. The LORD will fight for you; you need only to be still." Exodus 14:13 & 14
Baam! The LORD spoke immeasurably to me through these two verses. Just as Moses spoke to the Israelites, the LORD spoke to me: "Do not be afraid. Your fear is pointless. Do you not understand that I am the LORD who created the Heavens and the Earth? Do you not remember that I will blaze a path for you and be the Light for you to follow? Stand firm. Stand firm in the position of life I've placed you in. I'm teaching you here. Stand firm. It won't be easy. Don't bend, don't break, don't try to do it on your own - remember, Seth, 'I am who I am.' I am what you need. Lean on Me for I will help you stand firm. I will deliver you. Deliverance will come. I am faithful. Again, I will deliver you from this feeling of doubt, this feeling of aimlessness, and I will show you whats next. Just. be. patient. I will deliver you. Your problems that are causing you to doubt and fear will one day cease to exist. I am God and I am beside you. I will fight for you during this. I will protect you from this and more; from things you can't even imagine yet. Have faith for I will fight for you, all you need to do is be still - be calm. Seth, stay calm. Stand firm in Me, in Jesus, for I will fight, guide, and deliver you to My next step I have for you. You only need Me. Only I'll bring you true Joy. Be still and trust me."
I didn't read any further. I didn't need to. The LORD spoke loud and clear. I want you to hear this too. Don't be afraid. Don't worry. We need to stand firm for the LORD our God will provide for us. He will deliver. He will. He's faithful and true. He rules whatever worry or doubt or fear or struggle we may have. He is LORD of all - not just the good, but everything bows to Him. We can't fight, but He can. We don't have strength, but He is strength. He will fight for us. We must be still. This doesn't mean stagnant, not fruitful, but at peace in His presence. We need to be calm and seek His restful presence constantly. Only He can fight, only Jesus can sustain, only His Holy Spirit can calm our nerves.
Its difficult to be patient, but let Him fight and be still in His presence. Have faith in Jesus and stand firm in where He has called you. His deliverance will come because He is faithful.
He will not guide you and then not provide for you. Jesus expresses His faithfulness and love for us.
So go to Him. Place your trust in Him. And do it daily.
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Thursday Night Bible Study (3): Acts 13
Acts 13
13:1-3 - Here we see how the leaders of the Church of Antioch seek Jesus. The Church at Antioch has been established, the Holy Spirit is using Her to bring people to know Jesus, and make those believers into disciples of Christ. But a Church alive, like the one in Antioch, is always seeking the LORD for next steps. Barnabas, Simeon, Lucius, Manaen, and Saul seek the LORD's guiding hand by fasting, worshiping, and praying to Him. What some, mainly me, call the trifecta. Jesus calls us to do all three and we see these 5 men completely seek the LORD through the ways He commands. V2 expresses that while these men were fasting, the Holy Spirit spoke to both Barnabas and Saul to start their mission work, first separately and then to the Church leaders. By fasting and praying to the LORD, Saul and Barnabas heard what the LORD called them to do for His glory. I want to challenge you - maybe you're in a spiritual rut, need God's guidance, plead with God for a friend, need to repent of sin - to do as Jesus and the leaders at Antioch did, and fast. Today, Christians pray and worship on a daily, or at least a weekly basis, but we often neglect to fast as Jesus instructs us. Fasting is a powerful tool that will open our minds and hearts to hear the voice of the Holy Spirit more clearly.
13:4 - Don't miss this - Saul and Barnabas go, they do what the LORD commands. The two of them don't just hear the instructions, but they listen, they follow. I'm sure it was difficult. I'm sure it was uneasy. I would even bet that doubt, placed in their minds by the cunning deceiver, Satan, caused them to second guess they even heard the voice of God. But Saul and Barnabas ignore those thoughts from their sinful nature and follow Christ's command.
13:5 - As soon as Saul and Barnabas arrive in Salamis, they start to proclaim the word of God. They go straight to the Jewish synagogues and proclaim that Jesus Christ is the Messiah. They waist no time telling people about Jesus.
13:6-12 - Saul, now called Paul (v9) while filled with the Holy Spirit, lays the smack down on the false prophet named Elymas. Paul proclaims that the Holy Spirit will cause Elymas to go blind because his false teachings have placed him as an adversary of the LORD. Immediately the man becomes blind. Now, that's miraculous and awesome, but what happens next is even better. Because of Paul's teachings of Jesus Christ and the miracle the Holy Spirit did through Paul, the heart of the proconsul was transformed. The proconsul believed in Jesus. Verse 12 explains he saw and heard - it was the Holy Spirit's one-two punch to reveal the Truth of Jesus to this man.
13:13-15 - Once Paul and Barnabas arrived in Pisidian Antioch and on the Sabbath they go to the synagogue. Again, they go to the synagogue to preach about Jesus. After reading from the Old Testament, the leaders ask Paul to speak to the people and to encourage them.
13:16-41 - Paul stands up and begins to preach to the Jews. Paul unpacks for the people how God has orchestrated His actions from the beginning to the coming of Jesus Christ, and how Christ fulfills history perfectly. How history and time and creation were born for Him.
13:16-20 - Paul doesn't just physically stand up, but his speech stands up against the Jews. Paul is preaching a radical message. Paul's first few verses depict how God provided for the Israelites from the onset. He provided for them in slavery, provided a way for them to get out of slavery, and provided them a homeland. God provided as He showed His people His power with getting them out of Egypt and God showed the Israelites His mercy as they complained during the Exodus. God shows His mercy to us as He endures our conduct, our sin, and saves us anyway. God knew every one of our sins, small and large, before He sent His son Jesus, and He sent Him anyway - and Jesus freely gave Himself anyway. That's true love.
13:20-22 - Paul explains that the LORD provided Israel with judges, their first king Saul, and then David. The LORD will provide. When He calls us to do something, He will provide a way. The LORD provides leadership for His people. Saul didn't lean upon the LORD like the LORD demanded a leader to, so the LORD ousted him. The LORD will protect His people, especially from poor leadership.
13:23-25 - Paul expresses that everything that has happened in the world, has happened for the coming, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Paul goes in deeper with the mentioning of John the Baptist who gave his life to the service of God and to the proclamations that the Christ was near, thus the need for repentance. He believed in God and His son so much, that he lived in a desert wearing animal fur, drinking honey, and eating bugs. That's devotion. That's a faith that more people should live by.
13:26-31 - "it is to us that this message of salvation has been sent." Paul nails it. It's for the world that Jesus was sent - to save us all. What I can't understand is the complexity behind the Jews not recognizing Jesus for what He was, the Messiah, and by belittling Him to a shameful death, they fulfill God's promises. The detail and complexity behind such an event, that's without saying the awe of Jesus' resurrection, baffles me. Thankfully, He's God and we don't have to worry about such 'over-our-head' details. Jesus is the LORD fulfilling His promises to His people. Jesus and the message of salvation are for the people, even those who persecuted Him. His. mercy. blows. my. mind.
13:32-35 - Jesus fulfills the promises of God to the Israelites. Jesus' resurrection and conquering of death is the point of history.
13:36 & 37 - Like King David, God will put an end to our lives. But until the LORD does, we are to serve God's purpose for our lives. If you haven't dropped dead, then God isn't finished with you. He wants to know you more, wants you to know Him more, and wants to do work in you/us. Live for Him, serve Him, and do His will for your life. God's purpose never stopped for Jesus - He still saves people 2000 years after He conquered death!
13:38-40 - The kicker. Paul drops the bomb that Jesus died the horrible death to save humanity from our sins and to forgive us. That through the acceptance of Jesus Christ, we are justified from our sins. Paul continues that Jesus justifies us from sin, something that following the Law of Moses could never do. Basically, with that statement Paul does three things: 1) He speaks Truth. 2) His message, during this place and time, takes a quicker turn down radical road. 3) Paul is stating that good works, following the Law, will not get anyone anywhere. Only Jesus Christ saves and forgives of sins - not the Law. That is an extremely bold statement, a true statement, but radically bold.
13:41 - absolutely amazing. Most of the time, actions of the LORD are unexplainable, that's why they are of the LORD. He does the impossible. He is the unexplainable. Paul is pleading with the Jews to accept the Truth and to not be like their fathers who put the Messiah to death. Paul's recitation of Hab. 1:5 is extremely accurate. He is begging the Jews to accept Jesus, that they not doubt, scorn, or make a mockery of Him. Paul doesn't want them to fall in the same trap as their fathers. How many of us have fallen in that trap? How many of you don't believe? Make a mockery? The coolest thing is that Jesus died for us, even though we mock Him, lie to Him, and at times, doubt Him.
13:42 & 43 - The Jewish people were moved by Paul's preaching in the synagogue. So much so that they ask him to speak again next week and even follow him around town. Two things here grabbed my attention. 1) The congregation want Paul to speak again. They want to hear more about Jesus. They realize that God fulfills His promises and that they are missing something; that they are missing Jesus and His Holy Spirit. 2) Paul and Barnabas walk and talk with the congregation. They encourage and urge the people to continue in their walks with God. Paul isn't too good, isn't too tired, and isn't too prideful, to speak and encourage the people. As a leader, Paul gives himself for the glory of God. We could all learn from him.
13:44-48 - Fast-forward to the next Sabbath and almost the entire city came together to hear Paul speak. Paul doesn't disappoint. He preaches the message of Jesus and in return, some of the Jews in the area began to bash him. Filled with jealousy, which is sin, the Jews begin to slander Paul and Barnabas, and their teaching of Jesus. But Paul wasn't having any of it - he answers his opposition boldly and speaks truth to their hearts. Truth they don't want to hear and truth they don't accept. So Paul transitions his focus to the Gentiles because the Jews "do not consider themselves worthy of eternal life." We aren't worthy but there in lies the beauty of Christ's love. Paul continued to preach Jesus and those Gentiles whom the LORD appointed to eternal life believed in Him. Now, "appointed to eternal life?" It means, those people whom God had chosen and opened their hearts to receive Jesus on that day. God is omnipotent. He knows who and when and where we will accept Jesus. He knew when before the earth was spoken into existence. The Gentiles believed in Jesus and began their relationships with Him, forever saved, forever to be with Him.
13:49-52 - The Hand of the LORD was with Paul and his preaching so that the word of God spread throughout the area Paul was staying. With all standing up for Jesus and preaching His Good News, there will be opposition. There will be opposition every time we stand up for Jesus, spread His love, and His awesomeness. We need to continue to rest in Jesus when this persecution, because of being His disciples, arises in our lives. Paul and Barnabas kick the dust from their feet as the Jews booted them from Dodge, just as Jesus commands the His disciples. Its an act of shrugging off the persecution, keeping one's eyes on the future, JESUS, and not the past. Paul and Barnabas leave Pisidian Antioch because of the Jews, but simultaneously, because its God's will for them to preach Jesus' name to Iconium. God will receive glory from every situation - good and bad, joyous and sorrowful - He demands praise.
Chapter 13, like the entire Bible, unfolds God's plan to receive glory no matter what position His disciples are in. In what seems like a 'spiritual funk' or hardship, God will unfold His plan and guide us to give Him all glory.
13:1-3 - Here we see how the leaders of the Church of Antioch seek Jesus. The Church at Antioch has been established, the Holy Spirit is using Her to bring people to know Jesus, and make those believers into disciples of Christ. But a Church alive, like the one in Antioch, is always seeking the LORD for next steps. Barnabas, Simeon, Lucius, Manaen, and Saul seek the LORD's guiding hand by fasting, worshiping, and praying to Him. What some, mainly me, call the trifecta. Jesus calls us to do all three and we see these 5 men completely seek the LORD through the ways He commands. V2 expresses that while these men were fasting, the Holy Spirit spoke to both Barnabas and Saul to start their mission work, first separately and then to the Church leaders. By fasting and praying to the LORD, Saul and Barnabas heard what the LORD called them to do for His glory. I want to challenge you - maybe you're in a spiritual rut, need God's guidance, plead with God for a friend, need to repent of sin - to do as Jesus and the leaders at Antioch did, and fast. Today, Christians pray and worship on a daily, or at least a weekly basis, but we often neglect to fast as Jesus instructs us. Fasting is a powerful tool that will open our minds and hearts to hear the voice of the Holy Spirit more clearly.
13:4 - Don't miss this - Saul and Barnabas go, they do what the LORD commands. The two of them don't just hear the instructions, but they listen, they follow. I'm sure it was difficult. I'm sure it was uneasy. I would even bet that doubt, placed in their minds by the cunning deceiver, Satan, caused them to second guess they even heard the voice of God. But Saul and Barnabas ignore those thoughts from their sinful nature and follow Christ's command.
13:5 - As soon as Saul and Barnabas arrive in Salamis, they start to proclaim the word of God. They go straight to the Jewish synagogues and proclaim that Jesus Christ is the Messiah. They waist no time telling people about Jesus.
13:6-12 - Saul, now called Paul (v9) while filled with the Holy Spirit, lays the smack down on the false prophet named Elymas. Paul proclaims that the Holy Spirit will cause Elymas to go blind because his false teachings have placed him as an adversary of the LORD. Immediately the man becomes blind. Now, that's miraculous and awesome, but what happens next is even better. Because of Paul's teachings of Jesus Christ and the miracle the Holy Spirit did through Paul, the heart of the proconsul was transformed. The proconsul believed in Jesus. Verse 12 explains he saw and heard - it was the Holy Spirit's one-two punch to reveal the Truth of Jesus to this man.
13:13-15 - Once Paul and Barnabas arrived in Pisidian Antioch and on the Sabbath they go to the synagogue. Again, they go to the synagogue to preach about Jesus. After reading from the Old Testament, the leaders ask Paul to speak to the people and to encourage them.
13:16-41 - Paul stands up and begins to preach to the Jews. Paul unpacks for the people how God has orchestrated His actions from the beginning to the coming of Jesus Christ, and how Christ fulfills history perfectly. How history and time and creation were born for Him.
13:16-20 - Paul doesn't just physically stand up, but his speech stands up against the Jews. Paul is preaching a radical message. Paul's first few verses depict how God provided for the Israelites from the onset. He provided for them in slavery, provided a way for them to get out of slavery, and provided them a homeland. God provided as He showed His people His power with getting them out of Egypt and God showed the Israelites His mercy as they complained during the Exodus. God shows His mercy to us as He endures our conduct, our sin, and saves us anyway. God knew every one of our sins, small and large, before He sent His son Jesus, and He sent Him anyway - and Jesus freely gave Himself anyway. That's true love.
13:20-22 - Paul explains that the LORD provided Israel with judges, their first king Saul, and then David. The LORD will provide. When He calls us to do something, He will provide a way. The LORD provides leadership for His people. Saul didn't lean upon the LORD like the LORD demanded a leader to, so the LORD ousted him. The LORD will protect His people, especially from poor leadership.
13:23-25 - Paul expresses that everything that has happened in the world, has happened for the coming, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Paul goes in deeper with the mentioning of John the Baptist who gave his life to the service of God and to the proclamations that the Christ was near, thus the need for repentance. He believed in God and His son so much, that he lived in a desert wearing animal fur, drinking honey, and eating bugs. That's devotion. That's a faith that more people should live by.
13:26-31 - "it is to us that this message of salvation has been sent." Paul nails it. It's for the world that Jesus was sent - to save us all. What I can't understand is the complexity behind the Jews not recognizing Jesus for what He was, the Messiah, and by belittling Him to a shameful death, they fulfill God's promises. The detail and complexity behind such an event, that's without saying the awe of Jesus' resurrection, baffles me. Thankfully, He's God and we don't have to worry about such 'over-our-head' details. Jesus is the LORD fulfilling His promises to His people. Jesus and the message of salvation are for the people, even those who persecuted Him. His. mercy. blows. my. mind.
13:32-35 - Jesus fulfills the promises of God to the Israelites. Jesus' resurrection and conquering of death is the point of history.
13:36 & 37 - Like King David, God will put an end to our lives. But until the LORD does, we are to serve God's purpose for our lives. If you haven't dropped dead, then God isn't finished with you. He wants to know you more, wants you to know Him more, and wants to do work in you/us. Live for Him, serve Him, and do His will for your life. God's purpose never stopped for Jesus - He still saves people 2000 years after He conquered death!
13:38-40 - The kicker. Paul drops the bomb that Jesus died the horrible death to save humanity from our sins and to forgive us. That through the acceptance of Jesus Christ, we are justified from our sins. Paul continues that Jesus justifies us from sin, something that following the Law of Moses could never do. Basically, with that statement Paul does three things: 1) He speaks Truth. 2) His message, during this place and time, takes a quicker turn down radical road. 3) Paul is stating that good works, following the Law, will not get anyone anywhere. Only Jesus Christ saves and forgives of sins - not the Law. That is an extremely bold statement, a true statement, but radically bold.
13:41 - absolutely amazing. Most of the time, actions of the LORD are unexplainable, that's why they are of the LORD. He does the impossible. He is the unexplainable. Paul is pleading with the Jews to accept the Truth and to not be like their fathers who put the Messiah to death. Paul's recitation of Hab. 1:5 is extremely accurate. He is begging the Jews to accept Jesus, that they not doubt, scorn, or make a mockery of Him. Paul doesn't want them to fall in the same trap as their fathers. How many of us have fallen in that trap? How many of you don't believe? Make a mockery? The coolest thing is that Jesus died for us, even though we mock Him, lie to Him, and at times, doubt Him.
13:42 & 43 - The Jewish people were moved by Paul's preaching in the synagogue. So much so that they ask him to speak again next week and even follow him around town. Two things here grabbed my attention. 1) The congregation want Paul to speak again. They want to hear more about Jesus. They realize that God fulfills His promises and that they are missing something; that they are missing Jesus and His Holy Spirit. 2) Paul and Barnabas walk and talk with the congregation. They encourage and urge the people to continue in their walks with God. Paul isn't too good, isn't too tired, and isn't too prideful, to speak and encourage the people. As a leader, Paul gives himself for the glory of God. We could all learn from him.
13:44-48 - Fast-forward to the next Sabbath and almost the entire city came together to hear Paul speak. Paul doesn't disappoint. He preaches the message of Jesus and in return, some of the Jews in the area began to bash him. Filled with jealousy, which is sin, the Jews begin to slander Paul and Barnabas, and their teaching of Jesus. But Paul wasn't having any of it - he answers his opposition boldly and speaks truth to their hearts. Truth they don't want to hear and truth they don't accept. So Paul transitions his focus to the Gentiles because the Jews "do not consider themselves worthy of eternal life." We aren't worthy but there in lies the beauty of Christ's love. Paul continued to preach Jesus and those Gentiles whom the LORD appointed to eternal life believed in Him. Now, "appointed to eternal life?" It means, those people whom God had chosen and opened their hearts to receive Jesus on that day. God is omnipotent. He knows who and when and where we will accept Jesus. He knew when before the earth was spoken into existence. The Gentiles believed in Jesus and began their relationships with Him, forever saved, forever to be with Him.
13:49-52 - The Hand of the LORD was with Paul and his preaching so that the word of God spread throughout the area Paul was staying. With all standing up for Jesus and preaching His Good News, there will be opposition. There will be opposition every time we stand up for Jesus, spread His love, and His awesomeness. We need to continue to rest in Jesus when this persecution, because of being His disciples, arises in our lives. Paul and Barnabas kick the dust from their feet as the Jews booted them from Dodge, just as Jesus commands the His disciples. Its an act of shrugging off the persecution, keeping one's eyes on the future, JESUS, and not the past. Paul and Barnabas leave Pisidian Antioch because of the Jews, but simultaneously, because its God's will for them to preach Jesus' name to Iconium. God will receive glory from every situation - good and bad, joyous and sorrowful - He demands praise.
Chapter 13, like the entire Bible, unfolds God's plan to receive glory no matter what position His disciples are in. In what seems like a 'spiritual funk' or hardship, God will unfold His plan and guide us to give Him all glory.
Thursday, June 11, 2009
From Everlasting to Everlasting He is God
God has revealed to me His power, faithfulness, and grace this week. I pray that He has done the same for you and rocked your world! Something He has taught me this week, and I've slowly grabbed a hold of, is that God is holding us in His palms. He is so large, so all knowing, so faithful. I loose track of His power. When times are tough and life gets a little more difficult, I place an Almighty God into a confining box. When the truth is, He made "the box" I'm trying to place Him in. The Holy Spirit nailed me with this thought: The LORD places us in difficult situations where we can't see a way out, so that we lean on Jesus, and for God to reveal His power in our lives. He told me to embrace my position in life - that He'll show me His hand. Shown me He has.
Here are the random verses that the LORD has lead me to this week and began to teach me through.
"Before the mountains were born
or you brought forth the earth and the world,
from everlasting to everlasting you are God"
Psalm 90:2
I mean seriously, why do I worry about anything? Why do I fear anything? He is God - 'nough said. He gave birth to the mountains and before that the universe. I can't even fathom what "from everlasting to everlasting" means - I just know it's overwhelming my mind to try. I think it means Jesus is with us through every step, the ugly and the beautiful. That is so much easier to say, but He's so awe-inspiring when His action and truth takes place. He is God. Our problems are incredibly small to Him, but huge to us. He's faithful. God will provide for us because He always has. Rest in the fact that He's here, beside you, from everlasting to everlasting.
The past few months the LORD has been teaching me that all I need is Him. I wish I could say its been an easy and simple process. It hasn't been. However, through it He's made it clear He will provide if we follow Him and do what He commands. Its as "simple" as following His voice. He nailed me with this: "And my God will meet all your needs according to his glorious riches in Christ Jesus" Philippians 4:19. Dang that's truth. He'll provide for our needs, but we need to realize that we only need Him. Everything else He blesses us with is just that, a blessing.
"May the favor (beauty) of the Lord our God rest upon us;
establish the work of our hands for us—
yes, establish the work of our hands"
Psalm 90:17.
When we follow the Lord and allow His hands to work in us, then through us, we find favor. We will not necessarily be blessed with riches and possessions. More like the favor (or blessing) in the act - we would receive favor in advancing Jesus' name, His Kingdom. The blessing is in someone receiving Jesus, eternity changed, or someone growing closer to Jesus - blessings being based upon the spiritual/supernatural, and not of this world. Favor in our position in life, knowing Jesus is with us, leading us, and teaching us. It's an inward change that takes place through the Holy Spirit sharpening us and shining through us.
It's a process. A process of loosing ourselves and receiving more Jesus.
Here are the random verses that the LORD has lead me to this week and began to teach me through.
"Before the mountains were born
or you brought forth the earth and the world,
from everlasting to everlasting you are God"
Psalm 90:2
I mean seriously, why do I worry about anything? Why do I fear anything? He is God - 'nough said. He gave birth to the mountains and before that the universe. I can't even fathom what "from everlasting to everlasting" means - I just know it's overwhelming my mind to try. I think it means Jesus is with us through every step, the ugly and the beautiful. That is so much easier to say, but He's so awe-inspiring when His action and truth takes place. He is God. Our problems are incredibly small to Him, but huge to us. He's faithful. God will provide for us because He always has. Rest in the fact that He's here, beside you, from everlasting to everlasting.
The past few months the LORD has been teaching me that all I need is Him. I wish I could say its been an easy and simple process. It hasn't been. However, through it He's made it clear He will provide if we follow Him and do what He commands. Its as "simple" as following His voice. He nailed me with this: "And my God will meet all your needs according to his glorious riches in Christ Jesus" Philippians 4:19. Dang that's truth. He'll provide for our needs, but we need to realize that we only need Him. Everything else He blesses us with is just that, a blessing.
"May the favor (beauty) of the Lord our God rest upon us;
establish the work of our hands for us—
yes, establish the work of our hands"
Psalm 90:17.
When we follow the Lord and allow His hands to work in us, then through us, we find favor. We will not necessarily be blessed with riches and possessions. More like the favor (or blessing) in the act - we would receive favor in advancing Jesus' name, His Kingdom. The blessing is in someone receiving Jesus, eternity changed, or someone growing closer to Jesus - blessings being based upon the spiritual/supernatural, and not of this world. Favor in our position in life, knowing Jesus is with us, leading us, and teaching us. It's an inward change that takes place through the Holy Spirit sharpening us and shining through us.
It's a process. A process of loosing ourselves and receiving more Jesus.
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
The Vintage of Jesus (Fourth installment)
A good dose of Matthew chapter 10:
"Whatever town or village you enter search for some worthy person there and stay at his house until you leave. As you enter the home, give it your greeting. If the home is deserving, let your peace rest on it; if it is not, let your peace return to you. If anyone will not welcome you or listen to your words, shake the dust off your feet when you leave that home or town. I tell you the truth, it will be more bearable for Sodom and Gomorrah on the day of judgment than for that town. I am sending you out like sheep among wolves. Therefore be as shrewd as snakes and as innocent as doves."
Matthew 10:11-16
The LORD has seriously used these few verses to smack me around and keep me focused.
Let me explain: Life is going to be full of times when people, close to us or strangers, who do not accept Jesus and Him speaking through us. Jesus instructs His disciples to travel to places and stay where the Holy Spirit leads. To find friends, brothers and sisters, who will accept and believe their message of Christ Jesus.For the Twelve not to hop from house to house, but stay with that "worthy person." Stay with the person who will accept their teachings, who befriends them, because it is there they will find comfort; a safe haven. It is also with that person that Jesus commands the disciples to leave their greeting and peace. He commands the disciples to not only sleep, eat, and drink, but to give back to the people of the household. To overflow with the good news that Jesus is the Christ and the Kingdom of Heaven is near. Jesus commands the disciples to serve the household and to be transparent so the household can see the work of Jesus in, and through them. Jesus commands that the Twelve be worth their keep and that's done by serving as Jesus served - for the Twelve that is speaking His Truth.
"If anyone will not welcome you or listen to your words..." Jesus gives real talk to His disciples, of today and yesteray. There will be times when people do not receive Jesus' teachings through us. There will be times when people will ignore us and bash us for speaking what Jesus wishes us to speak. There will even be times when people hate us for speaking about Jesus.
But, He gives us advice in what to do next.
"...shake the dust off you feet when you leave that home or village." Literally, dust ourselves off. Don't focus upon the critic, the skeptic, or the one whom you've shared the news of Jesus with, but who doesn't receive. Pray for them, but do not let them deter us. Instead, go to the next town, village, or person and share Jesus with them. Jesus promises in verse 15 that it will be worse then Sodom and Gomorrah for the people who don't receive Him. Last time I checked, they all died...minus three. What's worse then fire from the sky? Eternity in the never ending consumption of a fiery Hell. We shouldn't let the naysayers get us downtrodden, but we should focus our attention on those who are lost and who are willing to be radically changed by Jesus. Ultimately we can't control who receives the gift of eternal life. Only Jesus has that power. He grants us the honor of being His living examples so others may see the life change Jesus creates, and long to be like Him.
We have no control over people's decision to receive the gift of Jesus - there inlies the beauty and frustration. It'd be easier to force feed people, but it wouldn't be genuine or real. Jesus desires our realness. This expresses the true power of the Holy Spirit and the convicting Truth of Jesus Christ. Not to mention the complete mercy and grace of God. Because seriously, if salvation were up to us we would leave people off the list. We're human. We continue to sin even though Jesus has shown us His mercy. Unfortunately that's how we roll.
The world, however, lives to different standards, which Jesus has already discussed in His instructions to the Twelve (and us.) Jesus unpacks our mission as disciples. "I am sending you out like sheep among wolves." That doesn't sound promising does it? Sheep usually get eaten by wolves, right? I don't want to be eaten. I don't want to suffer like that, but Jesus proclaims that He is our Shepherd. He will fight off the wolves and protect us. But when wolves do overpower our bodies, He will heal us, strengthen us, and reward us in Heaven, bringing glory to Himself on earth. Jesus also commands us to be "shrewd as snakes," meaning we are to show sharp powers of judgment; being able to accurately assess a situation, or person and turn it into an advantage. We are called to use discernment. Jesus also commands for us to be "as innocent as doves." We are to do right, to do what the Holy Spirit leads us to do, no matter how hard or convicting. There is no morality, just the conviction of the Holy Spirit upon our lives.
Jesus clearly explains to the Twelve that life preaching for and following Him will be uncomfortable, but worth every bit of it. Sometime people will accept us with open arms and other times people will shun us, turning their backs on us even when we do the will of the LORD. Jesus proclaims that we should shrug it off, keep our eyes on Him, His calling for our lives, and preach. The only true comfort in the world is Jesus Christ.
Through thick and thin, always preach Jesus. Don't forget, be shrewd and innocent as you go where the Spirit leads you.
"Whatever town or village you enter search for some worthy person there and stay at his house until you leave. As you enter the home, give it your greeting. If the home is deserving, let your peace rest on it; if it is not, let your peace return to you. If anyone will not welcome you or listen to your words, shake the dust off your feet when you leave that home or town. I tell you the truth, it will be more bearable for Sodom and Gomorrah on the day of judgment than for that town. I am sending you out like sheep among wolves. Therefore be as shrewd as snakes and as innocent as doves."
Matthew 10:11-16
The LORD has seriously used these few verses to smack me around and keep me focused.
Let me explain: Life is going to be full of times when people, close to us or strangers, who do not accept Jesus and Him speaking through us. Jesus instructs His disciples to travel to places and stay where the Holy Spirit leads. To find friends, brothers and sisters, who will accept and believe their message of Christ Jesus.For the Twelve not to hop from house to house, but stay with that "worthy person." Stay with the person who will accept their teachings, who befriends them, because it is there they will find comfort; a safe haven. It is also with that person that Jesus commands the disciples to leave their greeting and peace. He commands the disciples to not only sleep, eat, and drink, but to give back to the people of the household. To overflow with the good news that Jesus is the Christ and the Kingdom of Heaven is near. Jesus commands the disciples to serve the household and to be transparent so the household can see the work of Jesus in, and through them. Jesus commands that the Twelve be worth their keep and that's done by serving as Jesus served - for the Twelve that is speaking His Truth.
"If anyone will not welcome you or listen to your words..." Jesus gives real talk to His disciples, of today and yesteray. There will be times when people do not receive Jesus' teachings through us. There will be times when people will ignore us and bash us for speaking what Jesus wishes us to speak. There will even be times when people hate us for speaking about Jesus.
But, He gives us advice in what to do next.
"...shake the dust off you feet when you leave that home or village." Literally, dust ourselves off. Don't focus upon the critic, the skeptic, or the one whom you've shared the news of Jesus with, but who doesn't receive. Pray for them, but do not let them deter us. Instead, go to the next town, village, or person and share Jesus with them. Jesus promises in verse 15 that it will be worse then Sodom and Gomorrah for the people who don't receive Him. Last time I checked, they all died...minus three. What's worse then fire from the sky? Eternity in the never ending consumption of a fiery Hell. We shouldn't let the naysayers get us downtrodden, but we should focus our attention on those who are lost and who are willing to be radically changed by Jesus. Ultimately we can't control who receives the gift of eternal life. Only Jesus has that power. He grants us the honor of being His living examples so others may see the life change Jesus creates, and long to be like Him.
We have no control over people's decision to receive the gift of Jesus - there inlies the beauty and frustration. It'd be easier to force feed people, but it wouldn't be genuine or real. Jesus desires our realness. This expresses the true power of the Holy Spirit and the convicting Truth of Jesus Christ. Not to mention the complete mercy and grace of God. Because seriously, if salvation were up to us we would leave people off the list. We're human. We continue to sin even though Jesus has shown us His mercy. Unfortunately that's how we roll.
The world, however, lives to different standards, which Jesus has already discussed in His instructions to the Twelve (and us.) Jesus unpacks our mission as disciples. "I am sending you out like sheep among wolves." That doesn't sound promising does it? Sheep usually get eaten by wolves, right? I don't want to be eaten. I don't want to suffer like that, but Jesus proclaims that He is our Shepherd. He will fight off the wolves and protect us. But when wolves do overpower our bodies, He will heal us, strengthen us, and reward us in Heaven, bringing glory to Himself on earth. Jesus also commands us to be "shrewd as snakes," meaning we are to show sharp powers of judgment; being able to accurately assess a situation, or person and turn it into an advantage. We are called to use discernment. Jesus also commands for us to be "as innocent as doves." We are to do right, to do what the Holy Spirit leads us to do, no matter how hard or convicting. There is no morality, just the conviction of the Holy Spirit upon our lives.
Jesus clearly explains to the Twelve that life preaching for and following Him will be uncomfortable, but worth every bit of it. Sometime people will accept us with open arms and other times people will shun us, turning their backs on us even when we do the will of the LORD. Jesus proclaims that we should shrug it off, keep our eyes on Him, His calling for our lives, and preach. The only true comfort in the world is Jesus Christ.
Through thick and thin, always preach Jesus. Don't forget, be shrewd and innocent as you go where the Spirit leads you.
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